Plant Medicine Journeys


While still considered a Schedule I substance by the Federal Government, Psychedelic Mushrooms have been decriminalized in Denver, the city of Oakland, two cities in Washington, three cities in Michigan, and the state of Oregon. 

What does that mean for you?


Having journeyed deep within myself through ritual ceremonies with Psilocybin Mushrooms, MDMA, in the Peyote Church, with Iboga and Ayahuasca, long before Michael Pollan took his first magic mushroom journey, I have been attending plant medicine ceremonies for over twenty years, trained and authorized by skilled instructors in the lineage of Stanislav Grof and Leo Zeff, and as apprentice to Native Medicine Elders. I can teach you about safe and sacred ceremonial containers in which your inner exploration brings more than an internal laser light show. 

A facilitated Plant Medicine Journey with a skilled Sitter is a profound practice in living life in the radical present. Journeyers can receive insight and guidance from within, along with freedom from restrictive conceptual patterns that no longer serve one's best life. 

Those in relationship with these plant medicine spirits are familiar with the role they play in the expansion of creativity, enhanced outlook, and awareness of our essential interconnectivity with all of life. These intelligent plant spirits can change your life!

New research is showing beneficial results for intransigent depression and existential dread. Are psychedelics for everyone and anyone? 

Might they be right for you? 

Psychedelic Medicines are not for everyone and there are certain contraindications. How do you know if this is a good medicine for what ails you? Come learn about these potent spirit guides and allies.

Circle up with others who share your interests. Learn about legality, safety, establishing "set and setting," and much more.