About Me


I believe that all aspects of our lives contribute to our health and wellbeing, that we possess wisdom and capacity which inform and transform our path   at every turn. 

Maxime Zahra Stadlen, MSHN, M.DIV

I am a Holistic Nutrition Specialist, an Integrative Wellness Coach, a Death Doula, Interfaith Minister, and Buddhist Chaplain working with individuals, groups, and in the corporate arena for over a decade.

I was set on this path by mystical experience conjoined with perplexing health concerns that left me searching for answers.

In my search, I became a Master of Holistic Nutrition, offering personalized health care that begins with targeted whole foods, herbs, playful movement, connecting with nature, and deep listening as medicine, all of which served me on my path of healing. I specialize in Neuro-Nutrient Therapy for the brain, which supports optimal mood, memory and cognition, as well as Functional Medicine and traditional healing ways learned through apprenticeship with indigenous elders and guides. I have been a Massage and Reiki Practitioner, offering nurturing hands-on healing. As a Buddhist Chaplain, I teach Mindfulness Meditation, tend the living, those in life transitions, the sick and dying. As a Death Doula, I am a companion to the dying and bereft. My education is ongoing, and includes genetic methylation, as well as the impacts of industry on global health, and the power of nature to restore and regenerate at the deepest levels. I am the author of the Action Research Project, The Buddha's Breath: Exploring Awakening at the Intersection of Buddhism and Psychedelics.

Nearly every day I witness how the illusion of separation and isolation destroy vitality, self-esteem, and community, and how we heal by restoring lost connections.

In my practice, we leave no stone unturned. By creating a safe and sacred space, we promote the conditions for discovery and development, providing nourishment and restoration for the skin, bones, nerves, cells, emotions, mind, and spirit. This work is empowering!