At any age, preparing for death can be a ceremony and a gift. 

Our society hides from us the reality of our mortality. This can make a terminal diagnosis, as much as the natural aging process, seem like something is wrong with us, that we are failing. This causes so much suffering. Yet death is as natural as birth and life, part of the circle and seasons. We never know when death may come. As a Death Doula, I embrace this aspect of life and can help you or your loved one to move through this great transition. Together we find the meaning, and communicate your wishes with your loved ones, allowing the dying to receive - and give - their greatest and final gifts from, and to, life. 

Services that are available include:

Even while fighting a difficult or terminal diagnosis, you can still prepare for a good death. 

What is a good death? How do we want to die? What are we afraid of? What options do we have? It is not always easy to discuss our thoughts with our loved ones, who may be afraid to explore in this way. Together, you and I can explore all these questions and more in a safe and sacred manner.