Individualized Nutrition Coaching

Imagine if you had someone to serve and support you to reclaim your personal power and vitality. 

Now you do! Because you are not solid, but an ever-changing quantum body of dancing particles, partly a bundle of inherited genes, yet impacted by a myriad of lifestyle choices, influenced by thoughts, patterns and your original blueprint, the architecture of your Source Code that defines your path and purpose through life - I bring you Individualized Nutrition. Helping you reacquaint yourself with your Sacred Source through Custom Nutrition - identifying your super foods, and your personal kryptonite, those parts of life you may think you need that in reality are depleting, and draining your life force. Through a consensual agreement we create together, I hold a sacred space to step into the center of your life where you can access a completely beneficial relationship with your nourishment. 

Nourishment isn't only the physical food you eat, but what you take into your body, mind and spirit. Individualized Nutrition supports you in every aspect of your being, every step of the way.

Because you want to be juiced up and ready for anything and everything life brings your way!