Become Your Own Ally

The Mind is a faithful servant but a terrible master. How much of your life is filled with frittering thoughts of worry or shoulds? Most of us are absorbed in thinking about the past and future, too distracted to enjoy the wild, untamed, precious present, where it's all happening in real time. Using the mind for the incredible tool that it is, is a skill. Most of us don't learn it in school, or anywhere else for that matter. Or if we do, the conditioning from school, our families, and the media tends to overpower the innocence, truth and beauty that is our Basic Nature.

By familiarizing yourself with how your mind works, you can learn to make conscious choices about where you place your attention. Imagine not being constantly distracted ... or pressed for time ... or vulnerable to chronic stress. 

Equanimity is AVAILABLE, regardless of the ups and downs of every day life!