Sacred Space

Altared Spaces

Some people think of altars as something belonging in a church or temple. But creating your own altar is a powerful gesture, a communication with the God or Goddess of your understanding, that serves your physical, emotional and spiritual reality, bringing integration of all spheres of your life and being. A home altar invites more intention into your daily life, and thus can amplify your health and vitality, and help you bring your dreams and visions into form.

I will take you on a journey to create your own Altar, as a place of beauty that brings you pleasure, centers and grounds you, as a generator for creating your best life.  Personal and group altar projects are available. 

Reserve your space today!

Holding Space

We all need to see and be seen, listen and be heard. We are born into interdependence, and the ideal of the lone wolf or maverick is a false and dangerous archetype, most especially for women. Women (and men) are natural collaborators. In ancient times, we raised our children together, in community. We foraged together, hunted together, prepared food and instruments together, sharing our skills and wisdom freely. Our dissociation from our basic nature is destroying life as we know it.

Today, our community is suffering, as is our environment. The human "civilization" has destroyed our natural ways of being, contaminating the environment of Mother Earth and the cosmos, our own bodies, minds, and spirits, with conditioning that is downright damaging and destructive to our mental and physical health.

I will demonstrate a method for creating sacred space for yourself and your circle that is enlivening, supportive and inclusive so you can find your way back to the proverbial garden. 

Your birthright is within reach. What is required are the right connections and a place of refuge in which your nervous system can relax and make space for the infinite potential to emerge. In different cultures this is called "pure potential," "Buddha Nature," "your Highest Self," "Inner Knowing," "Inner Wisdom," etc.

You deserve to be held in your full essence, to be seen and reflected back to you as you truly are.

Schedule your Sacred Space today!