Maxime Zahra

Connecting You to Your Sacred Source

Every one of us is a Sacred Source, a wellspring for wisdom, goodness, inspiration, creativity and life force. We are made of the same stuff as the elements in our natural environment. The earth, water, sky, even the sun and stars are made of the same quantum molecular structures as our human bodies. This means that the stars, the trees, the flowing waters and the creatures who move about this earth are our relatives, more like us than not. And we are intricately and interdependently tied to one another in a vast web. First Nations peoples called this the Circle of Life and the Web of Relations. 

The human mind has an innate feature that sees reality through a dualistic lens, and this lens often leaves us feeling separate from others, separate from our environment, separate from the God or Goddess of our understanding, adrift and lost even to ourselves. This crisis of separation, a type of dislocation, is at the center of illness, depression, and existential anxiety, fear of life and death, and the fear of expressing ourselves fully and living the lives we know deep inside that we are meant to live!

Your Sacred Source Center is findable, reconnectable. We are founded on the premise that you have access to everything you need to thrive, to live. And yes also to die, at peace and at choice with your environment, rather than at odds with it. We believe in you and strive to help you re-light those lights that have gone dim within, to help you re-discover yourself at the highest octave of your expression, so that you can serve the whole of this life.

Yes you can!

You were meant for these times. And we are here to re-discover our ability to cooperate and collaborate joyfully, to bring about a better life for all. 

If you have landed on this page, WELCOME! You have found your way to your SACRED SOURCE. Think of me as your ally on the path of life. Travel around the site to find your doorway in. And when you are ready, please reach out. I am here to support your growth and evolution.